Contact Us
This is your Club Committee. You won't find a more dedicated band of volunteers in any other club anywhere! They get my vote!!
Polite request - please only contact members of the committee between the hours of 9am and 9pm. Thank you

Fiona Lace
Mob: 07751 380585

Dianne Wood
Chairman, Competitions & Camp
Mob: 07872 164734

Janet Zaldats
Trophies & Camp
Mob: 07714 886899

Linda Rodgers
Mob: 07745 997140

Ade Lanigan
Secretary, Memberships & Championships
Mob: 07974 681255

Liz Ross
Stephen Clarke
Tel: 01257 450182

Dawn Grundy
Mob:07976 854860

Gaynor Parry
Mob: 07860 202784

Hilary Secker
Dressage Teams, Points & Website
Mob: 07818 509361
Rachel Smith
Health & Safety
Mob: 07917 500410

Ellen Eccles
Mob: 07899 273367

Rosie Dugay
Judge Liaison & Combined Training
Mob: 07929 645204

Barbara Ecroyd
Mob: 07759 072346

Alan Goodenough
Jumping Teams
Mob: 07791 021087